Jokes and more from Ireland


Dr. Carmen Bauer, geboren in Wiesbaden, lebt seit einigen Jahren in Nord-Irland. Von vielen Menschen in Deutschland auf Witze in Englisch angesprochen, hat sie nun eine Auswahl an sehr abwechslungsreichen Witzen, die sie über die Zeit in irischen Pubs und anderswo gesammelt hat, in diesem Buch sorgfältig zusammengetragen. Wer immer sein Englisch auffrischen will sollte sich diese Sammlung gönnen.


The outside cover of the book refers to its original German title. However, inside you will find it is all in English. This book is a collection of a variety of jokes and brainteasers from different walks of life, which the editor gathered in and around Irish Pubs.


Some jokes contain mild adult humour.


Dr. Carmen Bauer was born in Wiesbaden (Germany). She moved a few years ago to Northern Ireland, where she now lives with her partner.



An Irishman in Hospital


Rafferty had been told to attend hospital for a minor operation, but he was afraid. So when the fateful morning arrived, he lay in bed determined not to go.

'Ring the hospital,' he said to his wife, 'and tell them I'm sick.'

'You got to go to the hospital,' she answered. 'There's nothing wrong with you!'

So Rafferty arrived at hospital and was bathed, changed and safely tucked up in bed.

'Now,' said the nurse, 'you're to stay there and not get up. So let me know if you want a bed pan.'

'A bed pan?' roared Rafferty. 'Don't tell me I've got to do my own cooking!'


New Boots

Murphy and Cathy are senior citizens. Murphy always wanted a pair of alligator cowboy boots. But was never able to afford such expensive boots. One day he sees them on sale, buys them and wears them on his way home.


When he arrives home, he asks his wife: "Well, do you notice anything different about me?"


"What's different? It's the same shirt you wore yesterday and the same pants."


"What's different?" Frustrated, Murphy goes into the bathroom, undresses and comes out completely naked, wearing only his new boots. Again he says, "Cathy, do you notice anything different?"


"What's different, Murphy? It's hanging down today; it was hanging down yesterday and will be hanging down again tomorrow."


Angrily, Murphy yells, "Do you know why it's hanging down? 'Cause it's looking at my new boots!!"


Upon which Cathy replies, "You should have bought a hat!"



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Tolles Allgemeinbild, 12. Oktober 2012

Von C. Tyne. Rezension bezieht sich auf: Jokes and more from Ireland: Witziges aus Irland (Taschenbuch):

„Bei diesem Witzebuch stimmt einfach das Gesamtbild und das bringt es auf 5 Sterne.

Es sind nicht allein die Witze, sondern auch die Tatsache, dass sich das Buch sehr gut zum Englisch lernen eignet und nicht übermäßig lang ist (100 Seiten).“




Andrew rated it 5 of 5 stars

Worth a read a great outside view looking in from Carmen Bauer on Northern Ireland and Ireland as a whole.


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